Monday, April 21, 2008

Words - Inverting the Creation Evolution Debate

Words - Inverting the Creation Evolution Debate


It is interesting to investigate meanings to the words of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. These ancient works, written in allegorical manner, as study will prove, are designed to call-up to our minds important significant subjects of a life of a higher more excellent plateau.

To begin, take verses from Exd. 20:8-12 commencing with the word “remember”, from “Remember the Sabbath day,” in the law given to Israel of old. “Remember”, taken from the Hebrew word ZAKAR means, “to mark (so as to be recognized).” See Strong’s lexicon -2142. “Remember” implies, to make or be remembered, remembrance. This remembrance is of a name denoted from 2145, remembered, i.e. male. ZAKAR means, remember the male, “as being the most noteworthy.” And “male” means mankind, therefore the reading is remember mankind. This is determined by referring to the Scriptures. So God (love-benevolent affection for others) created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam (mankind).

And why should mankind, the “most noteworthy”, be remembered? Because there is a great distinction between mankind and the rest of the animal kingdom, though we are all in accord with nature. The creative, inventive human was to have dominion over all life, be fruitful, replenish the earth and subdue it. The dignity of man was being recognized by the writers – man’s passion, tolerance, competence, awe, wonderment, realization of transcendence present in life and being. Mankind was the master of life, coming out of the earth, consciousness the most noteworthy of all. Mankind was an organism completely in harmony with the sacredness of nature, a living divinity, with Christ the anointed Spirit, dwelling within. Mankind possessed the inheritance given to all. Mankind had intrinsic conceptual thought and had control, insightfulness and determination.


Dominion from RADAH in a creative form means, to rule, to govern, control, be a guide for action, a guide for direction in replenishment (flow, fill, furnish, gather, have wholly), in being fruitful (finding our being as the ground of being). Mankind’s senses abound.

Now reflect upon our elevated status as mankind is the epitome of spiritual experience. The writers were directing contemplation and meditation of the great work of the Benign, of the great philanthropic harmonious Evolve. Owing to the old Scripture writings being symbolic, the great power of Evolve is personified as God, the object of worship, God the Father. The great power of Evolve is the mystery that none of us can fully know. This substained allegory should be kept in mind throughout the reading of this paper.

Also the emanation of the creative principle is represented as a parent’s love for their offspring. Take the story of the old patriarch “Abraham; who is the father of us all.” This allegory encompasses the regenerative strength of the master of life - individual consciousness – harmony, rebirth, regeneration.

Cogitate, appreciate and revere the remarkable nature of motherhood - compatability. Yes, compatibility, that is the word, where duality ceases. Deliberate on the mutuality of the microscopic world. True affection or passion called “God is a consuming fire” burning within, enthusiasm, and that begat concept – a being of conceptuality, wisdom, linguistics.

To use concept, sentience, requires mental acuity - action. Considered thought plus purposeful action arrives at the very core of the question, what of this word “God”? The representation is a noun – the embodiment of love. Whereas the subject is a verb – thought plus action = creativity. The wondrous continuity of procreation amongst many levels of life, all an inseparable part of existence, is figured in such statements as, “Let the earth bring forth grass, and the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth, and it was so.”

“The Sabbath day, keep it holy.”

“Sabbath” or Shabath means, a temporary cessation, to repose, desist from exertion, cease, celebrate, intermission of a space of time between periods of endeavors. Plainly, a time to stop and think. This “time” in Exd. 20 is called “Sabbath day.”

Unfortunately the token Canaan rest, this tutorial “rest day” was literalised by the unbelief in man’s God-given ability to create. As the Sabbath rest in Canaan was an illustration of God’s spiritual rest after creation, literalizing it to a literal day produced an idol.

Day from YOWM means a day from one sunset to the next. Figuratively, a space of time, is defined by an associated word. In this instance the word is “sabbath.” YOWM can also mean:- age, always, continually, daily, to day, now, this day, forever, everlasting, perpetually, full year, yearly, and other periods. It may be observed there is no emphasis on any fixed “time.”


The statute says, “keep this repose holy.” Holy from GADASH is causative, something had come into being. QADASH means observe, consecrate, dedicate, hallow, proclaim, holy (er, place), sanctify, wholly.

What was the cause for such high esteem being placed upon this statutory maxim, “keep holy”? The human concept had emerged from the earth – ERETS, meaning ground. The same ground as the Greek word GE, where “the sower went forth to sow” in the New Testament parable.

In Genesis 1:2 “the earth was without form” from TOHUW meaning, a desolation, and representing a worthlessness and confusion. This “earth” “was void” from BOHUW indicating, an emptiness, a vacuity or no mental exertion, “and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” Deep for sea and waters is a metaphor for people throughout Scripture (not documented here). “And God said, Let there be light: And God called the light Day.” Alas! the being of conceptual thought had transcended. The scene of a new creation – rapture for life – having a real living experience.


Honor thy father and thy mother. The unrestricted congruous consciousness of relationship is perfection. It is life’s compatability complete with personal application of body, mind and soul. This should be applied to global governments, global communual consciousness, global spirituality. Liberation brings temperance and toleration, an appreication of cultures creating the desirable elementary, beneficient, response in humanity. Perfection, is sacred, concerned “not after the flesh but after the Spirit.” We know not how long mankind was without blemish before selfishness and the hunger for power was found in him.

Continual regeneration of the spirit of peaceful agreeableness is purity – the sacredness of the soul Temple. It finally begat the creative higher consciousness, possessing conceptual thought – a living mysterious creativity – portrayed in similar myths in all cultures. This “most noteworthy” accomplishment must be forever honored and respected by our very living. Hidden in the vault of antiquity the origin of nature’s progression is described by the symbolic writers as likening the wonderous marvel of the inception of knowing I am (if we will), as due to our father and mother who gave us life.

We are to extol benign, propagating, ever-advancing potency. This great moral influence teaches us, as no other can, the struggle for success of tolerance and unison. As though singing in one voice, make this lofty innate energy our object of worship, our indwelling God of love. As already stated, the Hebraic symbolic artists personified the great ethical fruitfulness. Early admonishers counseled us to revere and exalt it.

The writers of the Book of Hebrews, Pauline-like, who were presented as the embodiment of a little missionary worker, offered some meaning to the O.T. symbolic writings. Some Christian-Jews who had accepted the compassionate life of the Messianic Body were still clinging to the rigid teachings of literalism, given them by the Pharisees. They were also impoverished and tranquilized by the harsh dictates of the Sadducees.

The tenets of Judaism had crumbled with the silencing of the Messiah. There was not one stone of Judaism upon another that was not thrown down. Precepts symbolically written in the Mosaic law were to direct souls to forever extol nature’s pinnacle of development. After all, this Benign Endowment had set the Israelites free from bondage.

Inasmuch as man was the “most noteworthy” attainment he was to be venerated. This accomplishment was mainly lost to the sight of many. Later writers recorded that with metaphors ignored by keepers of the Oracles of God, the worship of idols was substituted. This delighted those holding the reins of power.

In Roman days, still embedded in the consciousness of many was the thought to literally keep one fixed day in seven as a day of refrain from labor and remember the Creator. But to remember what the power of Creativity had consummated, what Creativity had completed, that was the message. It was the same power used to expedite Exodus.

Honoring our elevated state possessing conceptual thought, makes us “I am”, and must ever be paramount. This we must believe if we are to redeem our pristine state and be set free from mind-control. The messianic life witnessed to this liberty. The example was set. God’s great helper can retrieve our original zenith. Only don’t abort the environment.


According to the narrative in Exodus 20 ancient Israelites were to remember that Jehovah, their powerful active God of love, delivered them from Egyptian bondage. They were to honor this stirling benevolence by contemplating the magnitude of sublimity or rest, keep the sabbath day. “I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thee out thence, through the mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the Sabbath day.” Deut. 5: 6,15.

This rest was a token, a type of God’s eternal rest to all to commemorate creativity. This token was also a product of capability given to conceptual thought, that would continually recur until ultimate realization. There were many illustrations of deliverers throughout the O.T. Scripture. All these forms were lessons of the ever-present substance existing from the beginning and were spherically anticipated in consummation. They were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of many dictatorial worlds have come.

The Messianic Body, personified as Jesus the Christ in the Gospels, fulfilled locally in Judea the essence of pure deliverance. This was in a confirmed life of liberated consciousness. With merciful loving deeds in spiritual healing and helpfulness the great antitype meets its edenic-given original gift. By ever-expanding movement the great ponderance into the advent of coming into a knowing-existence rolls on towards archetypes, which are elementary.

In the Hebraic writings there is one true rest. It is in remembrance of benign creativity. It is God’s rest.

Joshua, in Canaan, gave Israel a symbolic rest to honor a typical deliverance. Israel was under the Mosaic law. In the new covenant, love is the fulfilling of the law. The Jewish people were taught to keep a rest. It was called a Sabbath day. Oh! had this not been literalised, then well it may have been appreciated.

If there had also been another day, a literal day, “would not Joshua have spoken of another day.” He did not. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. “Let us labour, therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.” “Again, he (God, Creator) limiteth a certain day, saying in David, Today, after so long a time; as it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice; harden not your heart.” Today now, Today now, Today now.

What, no mention of the commandments?

More Words

Law and Commandments

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.” Exd. 24:12.


As the narrative proceeds, it is evident that there was a law and commandments. Law from TORAH means, directions – and from YARAH = to point out, to teach, inform, instruct. The Mosaic law written in Exd. 20-23 was given in “words”. Words from DABAR.

The Exodus illustration is of a people in servitude, having left bondage they arrived in a new land with a free settlement. Having been given a law to learn a new way of living, this was a new creation to them. This law (TORAH) presented directions for upright human conduct for a people once cowered, brutalized and spiritless by dictates. The law was to give them liberty, but not license.


Commandments from MITSVAH means, precept, ordinance. Also from TSAVAH, to constitute, enjoin, give a charge, send a message, set in order. This word commandment MITSVAH is not law = TORAH.

The ten commandments were ten words or ten DABAR, as quoted above and also in Exd. 34:28.

Deut. 4:12,13 writing of the same example confirms this. “And the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: Ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only you heard a voice. And he declared unto you his covenant which he commanded (TSAVAH) you to perform, even ten commandments (10 DABAR = 10 words); and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. And again Deut. 10:4 “And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten commandments (10 DABAR = ten words) which the Lord spake unto you in the mount…” There is no mention in the Bible of the law (TORAH) having ten words = ten DABAR.

As Israel had been given a law there must be somewhere to keep it. It cannot be left to waft on a summer breeze, there must be a repository.

God said, “Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” The law of excellence first written in the heart and mind of pristine man had been removed. The law of love symbolically written, was “the tree of life.” Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. She (the life-giver) is more precious than rubies. Her ways are the ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is everyone that retaineth her.” See Prov. 3 & 15:4. Selfishness, greed and love of power over others had polluted the original Sanctuary. This being “the sanctuary and the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched, and not man.” Now a modified procedure was devised to bring this desirable enjoinment to fruition.

The Mosaic law, a representation of transcendence, was placed in the tabernacle. The tabernacle was a pattern of the original abode of God’s law of compassion. That abode was the heavenly Temple, the soul Temple. Ten messages were given for the building of the tabernacle/temple where the Mosaic law was placed in the ark in the tabernacle.

The temple and its sacrificial service was a tutorial legend as to the true path of redeeming liberty of conscience. In the Gospel stories of one called Jesus, the old type met its antitype. Jesus was the Temple.

Details of the ten steps that were given to set in order the building of the tabernacle are briefly listed as follows:-
Make an ark with a mercy seat - Exd. 25:10-22
Make a table of showbread - Exd. 25:23-30.
Make a seven-stick candle - Exd. 25. 31-40.
Make curtains of fine line for walls of tabernacle - Exd. 26.1-6.
Make curtains of goat’s hair and ram’s skin dyed red for covering of tabernacle – Exd. 26:7-14.
Make boars for tabernacle - Exd. 26: 15 – 25.
Make bars of shittim wood - Exd. 26:26-30.
Make vail to divide holy from most holy and a hanging for door of tent - Exd. 26:31-37
Make altar of shittim wood- overlay with brass for burnt offering - Exd. 27:1-8.
Make an altar to burn incense – put it before the veil - Exd. 30:1-10.

New Dispensation

The purpose of this section of my paper is to show that the ever-developing and expanding process is incorporated into every facet of life. Conceptual thought learned to teach by relating simple objects to substance.

Man came to understand there was body (tangible) and soul (intangible). The O.T. stories relate how man perceived the soul Temple as the abode of the free Spirit when not in bondage. In bondage his conscience was repressed. But he was entitled to express his opinion.

To gather together in an express location would provide this necessary opportunity. An early illustration notes a portable tent of assembly would suffice.

The Scripture narrative relates that the children of Israel built a temple in Canaan. This was a model of the true Temple. The temple and its services in Jerusalem were to teach by demonstration the upright path to retrieve the lost right of liberty. The O.T. Bible history is a pictorial of life in ancient Israel. Did they progress with time and reach a higher comprehension?

As the Jews affiliated with the Western mind they realized the teachings of Judaism should not be accepted literally. They were written symbolically. The temple service was a token.

Turn to the New Testament to see how a great change was brought about in understanding, by comparing an archaic law of commandments contained in ordinances. (These ordinances were to do with separating Jews from Gentiles, the clean from the unclean). Note the teachings of the early missionaries, the resurrected Body, who travelled westward after the collapse of Judaism. You will see the difference when evolving steps come into play.

Here is an old archaic law, presented as having been given to one called Abraham. “He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.” Gen. 17:13.

Now here is where a difference arises. The Romans were taught, “if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.” To the Galatians, “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faithfulness which worketh by love.” See Gal. 5:1-6 & 6:15. “Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.” 1 Cor. 7:18,19. The Hellenized Jewish teachers had marked a significant social advance. Evolution is never still.

The Messianic Body, the true Temple, by example gave us a knowledge of grace. Those who comprised this Body were persecuted and silenced. Their message rose again giving hope, showing mercy and benignity and enlightening many who were previously in darkness.

The Mosaic law, once understood, reflects God’s law of love, God’s law of liberty, and stands forever. The Levitical priesthood, and the tabernacle service had been a type for the time then present. Today the priest and the sanctuary are Melchisedec. King of righteousness, King of peace is the high priest. Love is the fulfilling of the law of faithfulness, hope and charity.

Before the Messianic people travelled westward to teach the Gentile world the sacrificial life, “we were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenant of promise... But now in Christ Jesus, (anointed deliverance) ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood (HAIMA = kindred) of Christ.” For he (the anointed peace) who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross (= uprightness and lateral compassion)...”

The conscientious soul, whether Jew or Gentile, is “Jerusalem which is above (elevated), is free, is the mother of us all.” This Jerusalem is the true church (EKKLESIA = those called out), ever the true nucleus of development and progress in the mind of the human.